Browse mineral resources


Mc Donald

Russell Mine

Frazier Mine

Eureka Claim

Borate Prospects

Borate Prospects

Bitter Creek Borate Workings

Middle Fork Creek Borate Deposits

Stubblefield & Halloway Property

Ventura Mine

Ventura Mine

Ives Property

North Fork Borate Deposits

Ives Tunnel

San Guillermo Creek

Cic Placer

Mc Donald Group

Columbus Mine

Unnamed Prospect

Matilija Claims

Tapo Canyon Quarry

Oak Ridge Pit

Lyon Springs

Brownstone Quarry

Rancho Quarry

Old Irish Republic Prospect

Bixby Rd Pit

Clay Deposit

Associated Oil Co. Pit

Unnamed Prospect

Tapo-Gillibrand Pit

Ventura River Pit

Strongwill No. 1

Cic Prospect

Gold Dust Mine

Gamma Queen

Unnamed Prospect

Quatal Canyon Quarry

Ventura Velvet Molding Sand Dpst.

Matilija Hot Springs

Sunset Plaster & Cement Co.

Unnamed Prospect

Columbus Mine

Hidden Springs Group

Anderson & Hardison Pressed Brickco

Unnamed Prospect

Moorpark Pit

Maule Mines

Pine Mountain Phosphate Deposit

Mercury Prospect

Sespe Creek Pit

Oak Ridge Pit

Unnamed Prospect

Burges Canyon Prospect

Gravel Pit

Ventura Expandable Shale

Unnamed Prospect

Desert View

Castac Mine

Unnamed Prospect

Beer Can No. 12

Good Luck Mine

Unnamed Prospect

Gillibrand Limestone Deposit.

Unnamed Quarry

Jewel Mine

Denver Mine

Trail Canyon

El Rio Pit

Sespe Hot Spring

Mud Springs Claims

Terminal Quarry

Knoll Site

Grimes Canyon Quarry

Bertram Lode

Ridgelite Pit and Mill

Frazier Mine

Corral Canyon Prospect No. 2

Unnamed Prospect

Grimes Canyon Quarry

Shell Oil Co.

Wkl Prospect

Saticoy Pit

Santa Barbara Portable Plant

Grimes Canyon Area

Ventura River Pit

Santa Paula Pit

Hawley Quarry

Unnamed Location

Sulphur Mountain Springs

South Mountain Deposit

Ventura Rock & Sand Co.

Coquina Mine

Unnamed Prospect

Prospect Mine

Peoples Lumber Co.

South Mountain Deposit

Mary Smith Quarry

Hidden Value Prospect

Brown Mine

Alamo Mountain Mica Mine


Southern Pacific Pit

White Mule Group

Asbury Pit

Santa Paula Pit

Ventura Cement Co.

Saticoy Pit and Mill

Oro Fino & Golden Era

El Rio Pit


Pine Tree Placer

Summerville Mine

Wheeler Gorge Quarry

Argilla Claims

Santa Clara River Pit

Gravel Pit

Unnamed Prospect

Schmidt Ojai Quarry

Balcom Canyon Pit

Unnamed Prospect

Camarillo Quarry

Mathews Deposits

Unnamed Location

Southern Pacific Quarry

Frenchma* Point Prospect

Bear Number One

Unnamed Gravel Pit

Unnamed Prospect

Unanmed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Ventura Mine

Unnamed Occurrence

Red Rock Claims

Wheele* Hot Springs

Saticoy Pit

Unnamed Prospect

Grimes Canyon Quarry

Big Four Group of Claims

Unnamed Gravel Pit

Henley Claim

Fillmore Deposit

Ballinger Canyon Deposit

Quality It

Gold Hill Prospects

Quality Rock Company Sand and Gravl

Dom Bosco Prospect

Santa Paula Pit

Unnamed Prospect

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